Kuratiert von Marina Wilde

Come by, walk through, meet the artists, talk a lot, and bring your mask.


Künstler: Menno Aden, Olivia Berckemeyer, Isabelle Borges, Anina Brisolla, Ofir Dor, Anna Ehrenstein, Jewee Lee, Igor Paasch, Fette Sans, Nina E. Schönefeld, Charlie Stein, MartaVovk, Hansa Wisskirchen

“Kunst ist eine Lüge, die die Wahrheit erzählt.” (Pablo Picasso)


Die Wahrheit ändert sich. In Zeiten von Fake News, Machtmissbrauch und Verschwörungstheorien ist es sehr schwer, die Wahrheit zu erkennen.Was soll man glauben, wem kann man vertrauen? Das waren die Fragen im Februar, als ich gebeten wurde, eine Ausstellung zu kuratieren. Inzwischen hat ein Virus die Welt verändert.Aber die Fragen sind geblieben. Sie sind immer noch relevant, vielleicht sogar noch dringlicher. Ich habe 13 KünstlerInnen nach something true gefragt.



Curated by Marina Wilde

“Art is a lie that tells the truth.” (Pablo Picasso)

Truth is changing. In times of fake news, abuse of power, and conspiracy theories, it’s hard to find truth.What to believe, who to trust? In February, when I was asked to curate a show at Schau Fenster Berlin, those were the questions. Meanwhile, a virus has changed the world. But the questions didn’t.They are still relevant, more so than ever. I asked 13 artists about something true.

Foto: Menno Aden, Bed Landscape


„Art is a lie that tells the truth.“

Pablo Picasso

As a contested and historically wielded concept, truth holds many facets and possible ways of being read, used and deformed.

Therefore, it should come as no surprise that truth always appears with an entourage of adjectives. Each one has the sole function of cutting down a thick forest of ambiguity that thrives around its subject.

Truth itself is an etymologically grown blend of doing what is just and believed, of loyalty, and often used as a synonym for the factual. But in fact – as in quantum physics – truth disappears under the electron microscope of our gaze. It falls into fragments of loose speculation or desperate wishful thinking. Perhaps that is why we love it so.

The exhibition SOMETHING TRUE was planned in February and meant to be opened in April 2020. Facing the growing impact of fake news, conspiracy theories and manipulations through social media with dramatic political consequences that define our reality, I asked 13 artists for a statement about truth.

A virus has changed everything but not the question about truth.

Text: Charlie Stein, Marina Wilde

Eröffnung: 7.8. 2020 – 19 – 22 Uhr

Laufzeit: 8.8. – 30.8. 2020

Öffnungszeit: nach Vereinbarung


Raum für Kunst
Lobeckstr. 30-35 – 10969 Berlin
U8/M29 Moritzplatz
