Memory is the result of the process of remembering. It is the faculty of the mind by which information is stored, encoded, and retrieved. If the past could not be remembered, it would be impossible for language and relationships to be formed. Individual and collective memories are often changed and distorted forming a larger memory pool, much like a computer system. Unlike a computer, most humans can’t remember every single thing, so memories are usually fuzzy perspectives on incidents that have already happened and have caused emotions or/and cognitions that could materialize in a possible future.
Truth is also perceived through individual perspectives. But while truth occurs as one body i.e. one incident looked upon through the many eyes of different perspectives, thus it is often described in altering manners. Its core is universal and total. Individual memories on the other hand, in their nature resulting from true events, are almost always personal (or if collective then of one collective identity) and conclusively the consequence of their individual perspective on what has happened to them.
Artists generally use their perspectives to produce their work and the artworks presented show how memories directly form their personal language and lives. „Codified Manners of Memory“ collects these different perspectives of a dozen artists from Mexico City, Los Angeles and Berlin.